Friday, December 25, 2009
They Watch While You Sleep
Today, Justin and I went to Fresno to visit my parents for Christmas. Upon our arrival we were presented with a late engagement party gift. The gift was a basket filled with all kinds of assorted goodies. Included were some kitchen towels, some wine glasses, a nice bottle of wine and two strange items that were wrapped in the kitchen towels. I picked up one of the items and immediately felt something ceramic. "What could this be?" I thought. Well, I might have been better off not opening the kitchen towel. What I discovered on the inside, was a very bald ceramic baby doll. "Dear God, what the hell is this?" I then opened the other wrapped towel to find, yet another bald ceramic baby doll, only this time the doll had a flower in her "hair". At this time, I carry the dolls out to my parents, who then explain that these dolls are special. They have been passed back and forth between their friends for years and only brought out, when they have almost been forgotten. Their creepy eyes only seeing the light of day for a brief moment, only to be put into a closet until the next time they are passed along. I guess Justin and I have officially been wrapped in to the "cool crowd" as the dolls are now in our possession. What the gift giver doesnt know, is that I happen to have a large collection of dolls that Justin's grandmother just LOVES to give me. I mentioned to her once that as a kid I collected dolls, and now I get to pick one of her dolls out of her collection every time I visit their house. Lucky me! All I have to say is that the gift giver, may or may not receive them back at some future point in time when they least expect them. Until then, these new awkward dolls will not have to bury their bald little heads and eyes in closet in the dark. I may in fact display them in the guest room with all of my other dolls that I have recently acquired. Looks like whoever sleeps in the guest room will have a couple extra sets of eyes staring at them as they sleep.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Anniversary Numero Dos.
Sunday is our two year anniversary. I can hardly believe that two years have gone by. It must be love when you can endure every single day with one another and just keep hoping for many, many more. That being said, I thought that I would write him a haiku.
You are very short.
But so am I. You sleep lots.
But so does Bella.
(Oh...and I love you...and our life.)
We are going to celebrate our anniversary by honoring our favorite past time and visiting the snow. Yes once again, we will make the long trek up to Tahoe, have a few bloody mary's, get some snow in our pants, and then make the trek back down the hill to Sacramento. Of course, by "having a few bloody mary's", I mean that I will have a few and Justin will watch me drink them.
Plans for Saturday night are definitely not determined and I'm pretty sure that neither one of us cares. Does that mean that the romance is dead? It is certainly too early in our life for that to happen. I need to start caring and making some plans. After all, it is our last anniversary that we will celebrate on December 20th. Next year at this time, we will have a new anniversary to celebrate. Thank goodness it won't be so close to Christmas, so my gifts can't get combined again into one.
You are very short.
But so am I. You sleep lots.
But so does Bella.
(Oh...and I love you...and our life.)
We are going to celebrate our anniversary by honoring our favorite past time and visiting the snow. Yes once again, we will make the long trek up to Tahoe, have a few bloody mary's, get some snow in our pants, and then make the trek back down the hill to Sacramento. Of course, by "having a few bloody mary's", I mean that I will have a few and Justin will watch me drink them.
Plans for Saturday night are definitely not determined and I'm pretty sure that neither one of us cares. Does that mean that the romance is dead? It is certainly too early in our life for that to happen. I need to start caring and making some plans. After all, it is our last anniversary that we will celebrate on December 20th. Next year at this time, we will have a new anniversary to celebrate. Thank goodness it won't be so close to Christmas, so my gifts can't get combined again into one.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Fancy Cam
My goal with the fancy cam is to learn to take photos that make jaws drop. So far, I don't believe that I have accomplished this, but I have taken a few decent ones. I also have been in need of a hobby outside of snowboarding. Folks...I believe that I may have found one. It's what I've been thinking about day and night since getting the camera (Justin let me open it a few weeks early so I could learn to use the fancy cam by the time Christmas arrives).
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wedding Thoughts
So I'm thinking that some wedding traditions may need to be thrown out at our wedding. I am not so sure about wedding veils. I might be more of a flower in the hair type gal or maybe even a headband or a side pony (assuming my hair decides to grow). Veils make me feel like I'm an adult and being and adult makes me feel old. Yes, I have paid my own bills for years now, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not an adult. After all, I have been known to have wine parties on Wednesdays that involve working on Thursday and too much wine. I won't even describe the details.
I'm also thinking that I may not be keen on wedding bouquets. I love flowers in vases in my house, but I'm not sure I can really envision carrying one around. I might need my hands for other, more practical things. How about holding my dads arm? Or maybe waving like a beauty queen as I walk down the aisle. I've just about perfected the wave.
I'm also thinking that I may not be keen on wedding bouquets. I love flowers in vases in my house, but I'm not sure I can really envision carrying one around. I might need my hands for other, more practical things. How about holding my dads arm? Or maybe waving like a beauty queen as I walk down the aisle. I've just about perfected the wave.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Time for Turkey (err...ham if you're me)!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I thought I would list a few things that I am thankful for.
1. I am thankful for my fiance because he is the funniest person that I know. Even more importantly he thinks that I am funny and I love to make him laugh.
2. I am thankful for my awesome family and my soon to be new family.
3. I am thankful for my cool friends and even the not so cool ones.
4. I am thankful for my great taste in shoes and clothing, but my budget is not thankful for these things.
5. I am thankful for snow each and every year, no matter how much or little falls from the sky (but hopefully it's a lot.)
6. I am thankful for my adorable puppy and her constant energy. She is also very careful about what she eats and that inspires me to be careful too.
7. I am thankful for my job that allows me to buy things and go places without stressing about saving money ahead of time.
8. I am thankful to be spending my turkey day with my new family, fiance and booze.
Happy Turkey Day!
1. I am thankful for my fiance because he is the funniest person that I know. Even more importantly he thinks that I am funny and I love to make him laugh.
2. I am thankful for my awesome family and my soon to be new family.
3. I am thankful for my cool friends and even the not so cool ones.
4. I am thankful for my great taste in shoes and clothing, but my budget is not thankful for these things.
5. I am thankful for snow each and every year, no matter how much or little falls from the sky (but hopefully it's a lot.)
6. I am thankful for my adorable puppy and her constant energy. She is also very careful about what she eats and that inspires me to be careful too.
7. I am thankful for my job that allows me to buy things and go places without stressing about saving money ahead of time.
8. I am thankful to be spending my turkey day with my new family, fiance and booze.
Happy Turkey Day!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Attack!!! Says the Germs.
Hello Body. We know you have done everything that you can to keep us away. We know you have been putting up your best defenses to keep us out. Vitamins have done you well. Getting eight to nine hours of sleep daily sure has been great. Exercising the perfect amount has created a healthy balance. We know it was not ideal for us to visit you now, but alas we have come and we have attacked. We may not win, but we have attacked and are slowly invading. We will try our best to conquer, starting with your throat and moving throughout your entire body. We are going to put up our best fight against you and your natural defenses. Sincerely, Germs.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Rain Coat for Bella!
Today is Bella's first rain storm. After work, Justin and I are taking her to the doggy boutique to let her pick out her rain coat. I wonder what color she will pick? I'm hoping for red since it brings out her demon eyes!
Fresno State Football!!!
Heading back to Fresno this weekend. Oh Joy! The most exciting this about this weekend is that Janice, my oldest friend in the world, will also be in Fresno visiting from Washington. I cannot wait to see her and her husband Jeff. We decided to make an event out of it and meet up for some old fashioned Fresno fun. I have a feeling that it's going to be a blast. Place Janice and I anywhere and we will have fun. Throw a glass of wine or two into the mix, and I see some excellent times. Add some football to that, and I envision a party.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Soft and Skinny?
I've been debating for some time, purchasing the P90X system. My dilemma is this.
Recently with the help of Weight Watchers and my completely Type A personality I have been able to lose some weight without the help of exercise. I do LOVE my Zumba class but even Zumba has failed to motivate me lately. I know some of the loss is due to my loss of muscle but I like to think that for the first time in my life I actually look petite and have small shoulders. Those of you who were not on a swim team growing up have not experienced the peculiar and large shape that swimming can give you. Even some of you who might have been on the swim team but don't happen to be "blessed" with the ability to grow muscle like algae grows in a pond, won't understand what I mean. My entire life I was jealous of the girls with the skinny petite arms and shoulders and finally, I'm almost there. Yes it might be due to the fact that I've let myself get soft, but is it worth it? My fear is that the P90X program will quite possibly make me look like I'm once again going for the gold, only this time, instead of high school swimming, it's professional body building.
On the other side, all I can think of is the snow and how completely out of shape I'll be this winter if I don't do something soon. Snowboarding isn't nearly as fun if you are literally shaking in your boots all day. I'm most likely going to make this purchase today and try it out. It's also my sneaky way of bringing the gym to Justin. I can't be the only one in our household looking utterly ridiculous in front of the TV. Who knows, maybe even Bella can join in the fun?
Recently with the help of Weight Watchers and my completely Type A personality I have been able to lose some weight without the help of exercise. I do LOVE my Zumba class but even Zumba has failed to motivate me lately. I know some of the loss is due to my loss of muscle but I like to think that for the first time in my life I actually look petite and have small shoulders. Those of you who were not on a swim team growing up have not experienced the peculiar and large shape that swimming can give you. Even some of you who might have been on the swim team but don't happen to be "blessed" with the ability to grow muscle like algae grows in a pond, won't understand what I mean. My entire life I was jealous of the girls with the skinny petite arms and shoulders and finally, I'm almost there. Yes it might be due to the fact that I've let myself get soft, but is it worth it? My fear is that the P90X program will quite possibly make me look like I'm once again going for the gold, only this time, instead of high school swimming, it's professional body building.
On the other side, all I can think of is the snow and how completely out of shape I'll be this winter if I don't do something soon. Snowboarding isn't nearly as fun if you are literally shaking in your boots all day. I'm most likely going to make this purchase today and try it out. It's also my sneaky way of bringing the gym to Justin. I can't be the only one in our household looking utterly ridiculous in front of the TV. Who knows, maybe even Bella can join in the fun?
Monday, November 16, 2009
It's Not Just Bad TV
I happen to LOVE tween television. Justin on the other hand, does not. I don't often subject him to my terrible TV habits however Monday's are another story. Gossip Girl is just that good. Though after many months of background chatter and snarky comments from him, the day has come where he actually has scolded me for watching Gossip Girl without him. Oh Glory Day! I no longer have to listen to the banter in the background making fun of the "terrible lines" and the "as if high school kids really do that" or the "what is chuck bass wearing?" Now if only I could convince him that The Bachelor is worth watching!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Epic Fail!
It's finally Friday! Tomorrow is our engagement party thrown by my fabulous mother. I imagine that it will be filled with food and entirely too much wine. That being said, I imagine that my will power will once again succumb to the enticing beverages that will be dangled in front of my face. Why oh why can I not say no to good wine that contains more calories in one glass that I like to think about?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sexy Arms?
For a few hours now I've been trying to get the dog to rest. Yes she is the cutest thing in the world in my eyes, but she does have some obnoxious traits. Yes, I did leave her to have a social life for an hour or so, but does that really mean she needed to repay me with this strange new talent that she has developed that involves humping my arm?
Now this is not the first time I've had my arm a dog. It is however the first time my girl has humped. I'm extremely disturbed by this action for several reasons.
1. She's a girl.
2. Last I checked, she had those parts removed.
3. My arms are really not that sexy.
Can someone please explain this to me?
(previously posted November 10, 2009)
Oh Weekends
I'm still struggling with the writing about myself thing but I'm going to give it a shot.
The annual post-halloween celebration for JB's birthday was held this weekend. I decided last minute to go as Minnie Mouse instead of a Sailor. Who knew Minnie could hold down her liquor? Turns out, she can...or should I say I can?
It's always interesting going to a Halloween party, especially when the costumes are so good that you cannot for the life of you recognize your friends. This happened to us this weekend when we showed up to a friends to pick him up and low and behold he was dressed up as Michael Vick. This wouldn't normally be an issue except that his skin is naturally white and he had literally painted himself black. Offensive? Yes. Brilliant? Yes.
On Sunday, after a rough 3 hours of sleep I woke up with only a slight pain in my head. Though I consumed WAY too many calories, all in all in was worth it. Happy Birthday JB...old man.
(previously posted November 9, 2009)
Brain Power
I've been challenged to write for 10 minutes on my blog every day. I don't usually have 10 minutes of notable events that happen in the course of a day but here goes nothing.
Point number 1 - What is it with egotistical men who cannot admit when a woman has more brain power than them? I work with several men who cannot for the life of them, admit that I have not only have a brain, but a pretty good one. I wasn't the at top of my class for no reason.
Point number 2 - Today is Friday and I cannot wait for the weekend. This weekend should be filled with many accounts of adult debauchery and childish costumes. Happy Birthday to JB and thanks for throwing an awesome party that gives me an excuse to act like a kid and dress like a sailor.
Point number 3 - I am very excited for the holidays. In particular, I am excited to have pumpkin spice latte's at my finger tips. Today will be my first holiday latte of the season and I look forward to it and many more. I do not look forward to the extra pounds that each latte is going to add to my hips but alas, they are worth it every year.
(previously posted on my other blog, November 6, 2009)
Yep it's True...I'm engaged!
Justin proposed on Saturday! Super stoked. Just not stoked about the wedding planning. What a pain...
(Previously posted on my old blog. July 23, 2009)

(Previously posted on my old blog. July 23, 2009)
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