Monday, September 6, 2010
12 Days!
Well folks, the final countdown has begun. Officially 12 days until the big day. Until now, I had no idea how much planning goes into a wedding but in the end, it’s always worth it. Let’s hope the same goes for ours. It’s now crunch time and all the details are coming together...I think.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Girly Perfection with a Spice of Sassy
This last weekend was my weekend of girly bachelorette celebration and I couldn't have asked for anything more. Not only was there an evening of mellow fun with a dash too much of champagne, there was also an evening of wild fun with my favorite gal pals. I'm so thankful for all of my wonderful friends who were able to pull of the best party that I could have ever asked for...and more. To summarize Saturday's events, the evening went a little like this:
1. Party by the pool.
2. Party at Jen's house.
3. Party with boy-girls.
4. Party with firemen and tables.
- Limo
5. Party with bottle service.
- Limo
6. Pizza...what pizza?
1. Party by the pool.
2. Party at Jen's house.
3. Party with boy-girls.
4. Party with firemen and tables.
- Limo
5. Party with bottle service.
- Limo
6. Pizza...what pizza?
Friday, July 9, 2010
Another Friday Bites the Dust
And it's Friday, yet again. Even though this was a short work week it sure seemed long. Somehow 4 days seemed like 7. Perhaps it's because the week started with Tuesday instead of ending early on a Thursday as short weeks normally do. Either way, I'm very excited for this Friday to merge into Saturday and then Sunday. Two marvelous days off of work with our last weekend at home for a while. We plan to enjoy them with very few plans and perhaps a glorious day researching new clothing that we both "need" for our honeymoon. Cheers for the weekend!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My Legs Hurt
Justin and I decided to join a program called Crossfit as our pre-wedding workout routine. It was recommended to me by a friend who looked fabulous on her wedding day, so we figured that it can't hurt. Well...that assumption was oh so wrong. After one workout, we are both HURTING. I cannot even describe what hurts specifically because the entire lower half of my body aches. If this doesn't get us into shape, I don't know what will. Tonight is workout number two and I'm not sure how I'll survive but alas, after putting in our credit card info, we are committed.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
And They're Off
Well folks, it's official, it's really happening. The invitations are in the mail with hopefully enough postage to reach their destination. After many hours of stuffing and sealing, with a glass or two of vino for inspiration, we managed to complete them in one night. My fingers are currently filled with multiple paper cuts and if I never have to seal another envelope, I'll be alright. The bad news... we forgot a return stamp on someones invitation. The good news...we only missed one stamp. Hopefully it wasn't yours.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Fiance Trickery
Saturday Justin and I will be going to Napa. He believes we are going to have lunch and visit a few of our favorite wineries and perhaps discover some new ones. In reality, we are going to visit my very good friend Lauren at the hair salon. Yes, we will also be visiting a fancy lunching spot and also consuming some vino, but the main goal is to introduce Lauren to Justin. Lauren you see, was my roommate in college. We now talk once in a blue moon but still are able to pick up right where we left off. She's one of the most honest, hilarious people that I know and so of course, I want her to meet "the one" and Justin just HAS to meet her. Trouble is, Lauren is so busy, that the only way that I am able to get some of her time, is to schedule a hair appointment with her at her salon.After I get Justin hopped up on vino and delish food I will casually take him to the salon for an hour of catchup girl time and fiance introductions. I'm quite pleased with this plan. I only hope Lauren knows that I don't really need a haircut.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Oh Subaru...why must you hurt our bank account?
This weekend Justin and I went to the Subaru dealership to get some information about our upcoming October purchase. We intended to buy an Outback to give the Jeep a rest for a while. This trip resulted in us looking at every single car that Subaru now offers (for better or worse) as well as test driving two different types of cars. The Outback. Twas a nice smooth ride, lots of space (I'm not sure why the two smallest people needs so much space...but that's another post), plenty of cargo room and lots of luxury upgrades. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spied the WRX and just had to take a peak and boy did I like what I saw. So...naturally, I just had to drive it and it was a mighty nice fun ride. Definitely more aesthetically pleasing, but the upgrades and luxury additions are minimal at best. On top of that, they are willing to give us a deal...decisions, decisions. Sacrifice luxury for the power and speed? I'm just not sure.
Pool, Tanning, Girls...limits?
Today I learned that our complex has begun to enforce a rule where each resident can only bring one guest to the pool. This disturbs me. One of my favorite summer activities is to sit at my melrose place pool and pretend I'm somewhere in the Caribbean. Second to that activity, I like to live in the present and invite the girls over for Sunday vino by the pool. After all, who doesn't enjoy a crisp Sauv by the pool discussing the latest US weekly and our upcoming party plans (as of late, it's my bachelorette party...for another post). I can no longer invite 2 girls over to the pool to enjoy such happenings and I am limited to one, unless Justin joins. Now, as much as I love my fiance, I'm pretty sure that he has NO interest in the latest diet trends and/or what wines we have all tried lately. Once again, the college kids have put an end to my immature fun. Damn them for partying harder than we do.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
4 Months 2 Weeks
It seems that my good friend is getting married in exactly 4 months from today and he and his lovely fiance graciously reminded me on Facebook today. That means that our wedding is exactly 4 months and 2 weeks away. Holy cow. Time sure does fly. I suppose this means that I surely should be getting my act together and organizing a rehearsal dinner. The jury is still out on where to have it and what to do. We are still in the process of getting a list of names together, much less close booking a place. I mean, in truth, I just remembered the other day that I’ll be needing to order a cake (or cupcakes in our case). I’m told it’s a tradition and I do love cake but I just forgot about that. Perhaps my mind has been on the 160 pair of flip flops that I just tied together with tiny ribbons saying “Justin & Lynne September 18, 2010.” I’m sure those ribbons will be cherished forever by the attendees of the wedding and that no one will dare to leave them behind.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wedding Flubs
Every night I go to bed and I think, "One of these days I'm going to start my wedding workout and diet plan" and every morning I wake up and think, "This morning I should really get out of bed and do P90X to start my day out right." To date, I have managed to not begin the so called wedding workout and/or wedding diet. Perhaps by writing it down, I will be inspired to begin. Doubtful, but every bit of inspiration helps.
My most recent inspiration for fitness has been the quest for a honeymoon. Who wants to show up to a honeymoon looks soft and pasty. Certainly not me. Originally we thought, "Oh we will do our honeymoon later," but our fear now is that we won't actually go on a honeymoon and we will just fall back into the routine of things. Mega FAIL potential. So alas, I have been on a quest for a honeymoon and I haven't yet found something suitable. Call me pretentious, but I feel that luxury is the only way to go. That being said, it's even more reason for both Justin and myself to tone up. We still have a few months to go before the allotted 90 day window to "our best shape ever" as the infomercial describes, but I feel it might be best for us to start sooner rather than later.
My most recent inspiration for fitness has been the quest for a honeymoon. Who wants to show up to a honeymoon looks soft and pasty. Certainly not me. Originally we thought, "Oh we will do our honeymoon later," but our fear now is that we won't actually go on a honeymoon and we will just fall back into the routine of things. Mega FAIL potential. So alas, I have been on a quest for a honeymoon and I haven't yet found something suitable. Call me pretentious, but I feel that luxury is the only way to go. That being said, it's even more reason for both Justin and myself to tone up. We still have a few months to go before the allotted 90 day window to "our best shape ever" as the infomercial describes, but I feel it might be best for us to start sooner rather than later.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A Whole New World...Texas
Justin and I went to Texas this weekend and we got our fill of fun for the next century. We never would have guessed the shannanigans that ensue in south Texas and it’s probably good that we didn’t. Let me tell you, boys in Texas are FUN and that’s all that I can really say to describe them.
The weekend began with boating adventures on the “beautiful” channels of the Gulf of Mexico. Not nearly as beautiful as I had imagined. Apparently in Texas, you can drive on the beach and that pollutes the water. Eeeww. After boating we went out for some good old fashioned Texas burgers. I’m pretty sure that I’ve never eaten something that had such artery clogging potential in my life...only in Texas. We finished the evening by washing the burgers down with many many drinks.
There must be something magical about Texas because we woke up in the morning feeling bright and chipper and ready to see the air show. The planes were amazing and the show was unreal. To date, it was the best airshow that I’ve ever been to. Granted, I’ve only been to two.
Overall Texas was filled with good friends both old and new, lots of sun and a bit of liver damage. Cheers to that!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Playing Wife
The past few weeks I've been playing wife like a champ. Coming home to cook, clean and take care of the pup has been my M.O. Playing wife has been quite fun, however I'm beginning to wonder how long I'm supposed to keep up the charade. What Justin fails to realize is that I am in fact, not a very good cook and sometimes I come home to find that the pup doesn't seem to have been fed that morning. When is the time to pull the wool away from his eyes to let him know that I actually am quite irresponsible? Is this whole getting married thing all about keeping up appearances?
Justin also seems to think that in addition to playing wife, I also play comedian. I am not entirely sure why he thinks I'm so hilarious, however I'm not complaining. Previously, the only person besides myself to think that I had any sense of humor was my mom (and she has to say that...thanks Mom!) Perhaps he has also pulled the wool over my eyes and has allowed me to think that I am indeed the most hilarious person of the household.
Justin also seems to think that in addition to playing wife, I also play comedian. I am not entirely sure why he thinks I'm so hilarious, however I'm not complaining. Previously, the only person besides myself to think that I had any sense of humor was my mom (and she has to say that...thanks Mom!) Perhaps he has also pulled the wool over my eyes and has allowed me to think that I am indeed the most hilarious person of the household.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Burritos y Horchata
Yesterday Justin and I sat reflecting at a local Santa Cruz taqueria on an amazing afternoon where we took our engagement photos. Not only did we have an amazing day, but we also experienced a world record in holding "the longest kiss ever." While at the taco shop I ordered my typical, burrito y "orch-attta" throwing in my best spanglish accent. No matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to get the pronunciation of that word correct. I'm always corrected by the spanish speaker by the counter repeats in his perfect spanish accent "OK so one burrrrrito y horchata." Dang, he beat me again.
On another note, the horchata did live up to it's delicious name. Mmmmm...creamy full of fat and sugar delicious drink of the Mexican Gods...thank you.
On another note, the horchata did live up to it's delicious name. Mmmmm...creamy full of fat and sugar delicious drink of the Mexican Gods...thank you.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Prepping for Wine Wednesday
Wine Wednesday's have been put to a halt in the absence of Jen, but soon they will resume upon Jens homecoming next week. In preparation for wine Wednesday, Justin and I cracked open a practice bottle of wine last night to make sure we were still in "shape". After all, practice makes perfect. Typically on wine Wednesdays the wine bottles start out with the good wine, but end with the cheap stuff. Last night however, we started with the cheap stuff knowing that we should not continue on for very long. We were able to work out the kinks in our strategy for next week and I feel fully prepare for the kickoff of wine Wednseday's once again. I plan for next week to be the most epic wine Wednesday ever...which usually means that Thursday will be unfortunate.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Fiance Appreciation
Not to be mushy, but yesterday I counted the many ways that I appreciate my fiance and I thought I would share them.
1. He always lets me be right, even when I'm not.
2. He cuddles me every night before bed, even when I come to bed hours after he does.
3. He has grown to love Criminal Minds, even though he is thoroughly disturbed by it.
4. He tells me when I shouldn't eat donuts even though I don't listen.
5. He has the same snowboard style as I do, lazy and fully of many drinks.
6. He loves our doggy, as if she were a real child.
7. He loves hanging with my brother(s).
8. He wants the best for us.
9-infinity~He rocks.
1. He always lets me be right, even when I'm not.
2. He cuddles me every night before bed, even when I come to bed hours after he does.
3. He has grown to love Criminal Minds, even though he is thoroughly disturbed by it.
4. He tells me when I shouldn't eat donuts even though I don't listen.
5. He has the same snowboard style as I do, lazy and fully of many drinks.
6. He loves our doggy, as if she were a real child.
7. He loves hanging with my brother(s).
8. He wants the best for us.
9-infinity~He rocks.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Awesome Weekend of Nothing
This weekend Justin and I stayed home and hung out with ourselves and the dogs. Besides my horrible score on my GMAT practice test (I'll post about that later), we filled our weekend with self indulgent foods and drinks. We saw no one besides ourselves and the waiters and waitresses of the many many restaurants we visited. It was so nice to finally be home for a weekend and relax that I think we may need to do it more often.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
No Kids
This week we watched after Bella's boyfriend Stanley. Stanley is a special dog. He seems to be potty trained, except at our house so he gets to wear diapers in our house. The original diapers that I bought for him were too small to go all the way around his hiney and his privates so we just wrapped the diapers around his waist to protect the carpet.
When we ran out of the size small diapers, Matt & Grace (Stanley's parents) brought us some medium diapers because they fit "like diapers should." My first attempt at putting on the diapers definitely belongs on I managed to get the diaper over his tail and around his hiney, but when I fastened it, his privates were definitely sticking out the top of the diaper. FAIL. At this time, I came to the conclusion, that I am definitely not ready for children.
When we ran out of the size small diapers, Matt & Grace (Stanley's parents) brought us some medium diapers because they fit "like diapers should." My first attempt at putting on the diapers definitely belongs on I managed to get the diaper over his tail and around his hiney, but when I fastened it, his privates were definitely sticking out the top of the diaper. FAIL. At this time, I came to the conclusion, that I am definitely not ready for children.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Today Justin and I went to Redwood City and took some engagement photos courtesy of my good friend Ryan. The thing about photos is that I love to take them, but I don't like to be the main event. But today I don't think could have been more surprised at how fun being a star can be. After the first few minutes of awkward forced laughing and stiff poses, things loosened up and the goofy was able to come out. We were also able to witness a bum fight, or at least the result of a bum fight, which involved several police cars and fire trucks, two arrests and many confused bystanders.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Say Hello to 2010!
Christmas this year seems to have came and went. It was much anticipated in my family because my brother, who had been gone for 8 months abroad to various places, was coming home (for good we hope). Well, turns out while abroad, it seems that my brother may have forgotten how to eat for 8 months, because he came home a stick. He looks great, not that he didn't before. It was great for us all to have a homecoming and Christmas celebration.
After Christmas, I flew to Southern California for some good 'ol fashioned sunshine! I spent a few days with my aunt, uncle and cousins, and left Justin and Bella to fend for themselves. It was my brothers birthday, so we went to Disneyland for the day. Though fun, I did get fair my share of germy children for the next year or so. I'm pretty sure that if it were not for the the flu shot, I'd probably be quite sick right about now.
We (Matt, Sasha, Justin and I) spent new years in Tahoe and what fun we sure had. Our hotel, was the fabulous Biltmore. Best known for it's cheap stuffy rooms and it's $1 beers and cocktails for happy hour. Only happy hour, is actually happy hours, 3-7 pm every night. Justin and I also had a fabulous dinner at The Soule Domain with some great friends of ours. On our way home on Saturday, I got the grumpy pants disease due to a combination of lack of sleep and food and a few annoying passengers (Sasha excluded). Luckily a solution was presented and we stopped off at Donner Lake for breakfast. WOW, who knew that such a s**thole could be so delicious. Not only did the food fill the gap, but the restaurant was right on the lake and we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. Simply perfect.
After Christmas, I flew to Southern California for some good 'ol fashioned sunshine! I spent a few days with my aunt, uncle and cousins, and left Justin and Bella to fend for themselves. It was my brothers birthday, so we went to Disneyland for the day. Though fun, I did get fair my share of germy children for the next year or so. I'm pretty sure that if it were not for the the flu shot, I'd probably be quite sick right about now.
We (Matt, Sasha, Justin and I) spent new years in Tahoe and what fun we sure had. Our hotel, was the fabulous Biltmore. Best known for it's cheap stuffy rooms and it's $1 beers and cocktails for happy hour. Only happy hour, is actually happy hours, 3-7 pm every night. Justin and I also had a fabulous dinner at The Soule Domain with some great friends of ours. On our way home on Saturday, I got the grumpy pants disease due to a combination of lack of sleep and food and a few annoying passengers (Sasha excluded). Luckily a solution was presented and we stopped off at Donner Lake for breakfast. WOW, who knew that such a s**thole could be so delicious. Not only did the food fill the gap, but the restaurant was right on the lake and we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. Simply perfect.
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