Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Fancy Cam

For Christmas this year, Justin made me a winner.  He got me, what I like to call "the fancy cam."  The fancy cam pretty much has every option I could ever want on a camera.  So many options that I have no idea what they all do.  I'm actually in the process of reading the manual.  That's right, reading the instructions manual.  It's actually quite, helpful, go figure.  I don't believe that I've ever read a manual before.

My goal with the fancy cam is to learn to take photos that make jaws drop.  So far, I don't believe that I have accomplished this, but I have taken a few decent ones.  I also have been in need of a hobby outside of snowboarding.  Folks...I believe that I may have found one.  It's what I've been thinking about day and night since getting the camera (Justin let me open it a few weeks early so I could learn to use the fancy cam by the time Christmas arrives).

1 comment:

  1. that last one is stunning! :) i also particularly enjoy the one of bella with the trail of destruction behind her.
